
Wednesday 16 May 2018

Metal Head and Legacy

Once a upon a time there was a little tiny robot and his name was Metal Head. He had a broken light for his head and a spring for his leg and a Balts for  the other leg. Metal Head lived in a scrap yard were everything was filled with broken machines and old wires, old rusty cars and fat tyres. Metal Head did not like his home because he had no friends and was so sad. One day he went for a walk and he found a plag so he ripped some tape off his body and made a smile. The smil was for his friend the plag because he only had 2 eyes he sat down next to the plag. Then he waited and waited and waited but the plag did't talk. Then Metal Head pushed the plug but it was no use. So he went for a walk and he came to a car. He jumped on the car and found a stick. So he tryed to put it it on his arm and BOOM! He electrocuted himself. Metal Head was so sad so he sat down until another robot came Metal Head said "hello  there" the other robot had a fan for her head and a coin machine for her body. Her name was Legacy Legacy and Metal Head went for a walk and they down and Metal Head saw that Legacy had a arm like his so he asked if he could connect. Ok said Legacy so they joined arms and stayed connected for the rest of their lives
The End.

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