
Tuesday 2 March 2021

Tuesday: Writing

  A long long time ago in the Island of savai’i lived a girl named Sina, she made a friend who was an eel. Every evening under the moonlight Sina wound visited the eel and they would swim and talk all night long. The eel told Sina of how he was once a prince, over time he began to grow bigger and more demanding of Sina’s love, 

In time the eels demanding over her love started to frighten Sina so she escaped by running to relatives in a nearby village. Although Sina tried to get away from the eel he wound still followed her and often appeared in waters wherever Sina went. Afraid of the eel Sina went to her uncle and cousin and told them about the eel.

Soon her cousin was sent to confront the eels. Madly, the eel didn’t like Sina’s choice of action, the battle was intense and fierce, as the villager watched Sina sat from a distance and watched the fight with a guilty feeling in her stomach. In battle the eels head was sliced off,  and with his last breath he asked Sina to bury the eels head.

Then one day as a reminder of his love his head sprouted a tree that wound bare fruit with a lovely taste. The eel's face wound be on the fruit two eyes and a mouth so that every time Sina wound drink the juice of the fruit she wound in fact be kissing him.

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